This is part of Counter Apologist’s account of how his belief system fell apart, with the first cracks coming as a result of knowing someone and becoming their friend. Here is an excerpt from one of my earlier books ( Beyond an Absence of Faith) detailing deconversion stories from various people from various religions in various places. Rejecting Christianity because of the homosexuality of someone else They struggle to see the good in God’s creations when it is integrated with inherent sinfulness. This terribly retributive concept presents an issue for Christians who like to see the good in people. For example, let us look at hell, and the vastly increased chance gay people have of visiting it permanently (so we are often told).
No matter which way you cut it, homosexuality presents a problem for Christians. This includes the ability of divine foreknowledge so that God knows all future events, or potential events (counterfactuals) in real and potential worlds he does and could create. So God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving. OmniGod is a term I use to describe the God of classical theism: omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent.